The Official National Military Appreciation Month Website - Since 1999
National Military Appreciation Month started as a simple idea; to gather America around its military family to honor, remember, recognize and appreciate those who serve and have served all while knowing its history. Legislated twice this idea that began with founders Alice Wax, Rita Thompson and (Ret) MSgt. Duncan Munro has evolved and adopted across government, commercial and nonprofit entities providing increased national attention & recognition to our military.
The first legislation began in 1999 by the United States Senate designating May as National Military Appreciation Month. With the support and sponsorship of the late Senator John McCain, (R-AZ) and Representative Duncan Hunter, (R-CA) of San Diego along with over 50 veteran service organizations, this important legislation states to our service members that we they protect, set aside an entire month to honor, remember and appreciate their patriotism and dedication from their families. In April of 2004, more comprehensive legislation was passed by unanimous consent of both Houses of Congress as H. Con. Res. 328 solidified May as National Military Appreciation Month.
National Military Appreciation Month - Yorktown, Virginia 23690
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